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Maywood Public Schools



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Maywood Preschoolers are ‘Falling’ into Fun!

Maywood Preschool has a lot of amazing things happening.  This year there are 22 fantastic students enrolled.  The Tiger Paws group of students comes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday s.  The Tiger Cubs come on Thursday and Fridays.  Each day the children learn about letters, numbers, and social skills.  They go to PE and Music class to learn gross motor skills and sing fun songs together!

This week they decorated pumpkins, painted pumpkins and will be learning about the inside of a pumpkin!  On October 22, the lunchroom prepared a special meal for the children.  They got to eat chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes in THEIR CLASSROOM! The children were excited for the change and to scoop their own food.  This type of meal is called ‘family style’ and highly recommended to do in preschools for the benefits of learning manners and using fine motor skills.  There were no spills and lots of happy nuggets!